Night after Night in the Quiet House by Sarah Hemings

£7.00 / On Sale

The collection was chosen from our open submission window in 2021 and will be Sarah’s debut pamphlet. The poems focus on the different methods used to process loss over time and how we can gradually realign ourselves to a new set of circumstances.

Kate Bush fans may recognise the title as a line from one of her earlier songs – no prizes but you’re welcome to comment below. You never know, we might get another Kate song to number one.

Sarah Hemings is a Poet and Chartered Librarian from Bristol. In 2019 she won First Prize in the Gloucestershire Writers’ Network Poetry Competition for her poem, ‘vestry’, and again in 2021 for ‘Eastertide’. Sarah is a member of The Poetry Society and Trowbridge Stanza and tweets at @SarahHemings1. From March-July 2021 she was mentored by Fiona Benson, under the Dialect Mentoring Scheme (a competitive scheme funded by Arts Council England).